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    Wielu nowych użytkowników, którzy dopiero zainteresowali się auto detailingiem ma problemy w zrozumieniu skrótów używanych przez doświadczonych detailerów. Ekipa Detailing Club postawiła wyjść na przeciw potrzebom nowych użytkowników i stworzyć słownik pojęć detailingowych.

    Wielu #00 - Meguiar's Hi-Tech Wash

    #1 - Meguiar's Medium-Cut Cleaner

    #2 - Meguiar's Fine-Cut Cleaner

    #3 - Meguiar's Machine Glaze

    #4 - Meguiar's Heavy-Cut Cleaner

    #5 - Meguiar's New Car Glaze

    #6 - Meguiar's Cleaner/Wax

    #7 - Meguiar's Show Car Glaze

    #9 - Meguiar's Swirl Remover 2.0

    #10 - Meguiar's Clear Plastic Polish

    #16 - Meguiar's Professional Paste Wax

    #17 - Meguiar's Clear Plastic Cleaner

    #18 - Meguiar's Clear Plastic Detailer

    #20 - Meguiar's Polymer Sealant

    #21 - Meguiar's Sealant

    #26 - Meguiar's Hi-Tech Yellow Wax

    #34 FI - Meguiar's Final Inspection

    #36 - Meguiar's Hi-Tech Cleaner

    #38 - Meguiar's Tire & Trim Dressing Gel

    #39 - Meguiar's Heavy Duty Vinyl Cleaner

    #40 - Meguiar's Vinyl & Rubber Cleaner/Conditioner

    #62 - Meguiar's Car Wash Shampoo and Conditioner

    #66 - Meguiar's Quick Detailer

    #80 - MSG Meguiar's Speed Glaze

    #81 - HP Meguiar's Body Shop Professional Hand Polish

    #82 - SFP Meguiar's Body Shop Professional Swirl Free Polish

    #83 - DACP Meguiar's Dual Action Cleaner/Polish

    #84 - Compound Power Cleaner

    #85 - Diamond Cut Compound

    #96 - Medallion Premium Leather Cleaner

    #97 MPPC - Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner

    #98 MPPP - Medallion Premium Paint Polish

    #105 - Meguiars ultra cut compound

    #205 - Meguiars ultra finishing polish

    APC+ - Meguiar's All Purpose Cleaner Plus

    DACP - Meguiar's #83 Dual Action Cleaner/Polish

    CW - Cleaner Wax

    HTYW - Hi Tech Yellow Wax (Meguiar's #26)

    Wszystkie powyżej z prefixem Meg's/Meguiar's.

    #1000p - Finish Kare High Temp Wax

    #425 - Finish Kare Anti Static Quick Detailer

    #303 - Pad glaze

    #476 - Collinite #476 Super Doublecoat Wax

    #845/#845IW - Collinite #845 Insulator Wax

    915 - Collinite Marque D'Elegance Wax

    #4 - Britemax Black Max

    #5 - Britemax Extreme Elements Sealant

    #6S - Britemax Spray & Shine Detailer

    1Z - Einszett products

    203S - Menzerna 203S medium > fine polish

    303 - 303 Aerospace Products (mostly refers to Protectant)

    3MFI - 3M Finesse-It products

    3MPI - 3M Perfect-It products

    3MPIIIFG - 3M Perfect-It III Finishing Glaze

    3MPIIIMG - 3M Perfect-It III Machine Glaze

    3MPIIRC - 3M Perfect-It II Rubbing Compound

    7424 - Porter-Cable Model Number

    7336 - Porter-Cable Model Number

    A2Z - Eagle One (EO) A2Z All Wheel Cleaner

    AB - Bilt Hamber Autobalm

    ABC - AutoInts ABC 3 step paint decontamination wash system

    AC - Bilt Hamber Autoclay, Air Conditioner/ing

    AG - Autoglym products

    AF - Bilt Hamber Autofoam

    AIO - All-In-One

    APC - All Purpose Cleaner

    ARO - Amazing Roll Off -apc cleaner

    AS - Auto Smart

    BA - Banana Armour

    BBT - Big Blue Towel (MF)

    BCS - P21S Bodywork Conditioning Shampoo

    BF - BLACKFIRE products

    BF II - BLACKFIRE reformulated detailing product

    BH - Bilt Hamber products

    BHG - Black Hole (Glaze - poorboys)

    BM - Black Magic products

    BOS - Best Of Show (swissvax)

    BS - Bullsh...Nah, just joking - Born Slippy (Dodo Clay lube)

    BSP - Meguiar's Body Shop Professional products

    BTBM - Born To Be Mild

    BV - Blue Velvet

    CG - Chemical Guys

    CK - ClearKote products

    CMW - Carnauba Moose Wax (clearkote)

    YCW - Yellow Cream Wax (clearkote)

    CP/1ZCP - Einszett Cockpit Premium, Eimann Fabrik Clear Pearl detail spray

    DA - Dual Action machine polisher = Random Orbital

    DAS-6 - Kestrel's Dual Action Polisher

    DC - Digital Camera, Meguiar's Deep Crystal System

    DG - Duragloss Products

    DJ - Dodo juice

    DW - Diamond White

    DW - Detailing World

    EF - Eimann Fabrik products

    EFBO - Eimann Fabrik Black Opal

    EFCC - Eimann Fabrik Carpet Cleaner

    EFCP - Eimann Fabrik Clear Pearl instant detailer

    EFCV - Eimann Fabrik Clear Vision

    EFHI - Eimann Fabrik High Intensity cleaner

    EFPW - Eimann Fabrik Power Wash shampoo

    EFSR - Eimann Fabrik Spot Remover

    EFTR - Eimann Fabrik Tar Remover

    EGP - Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection

    EO - Eagle One products

    EOSR - Eagle One Scratch Remover

    EOWS - Eagle One Wipe n Shine (quick detailer)

    EX - Poorboy's World EX Sealant with Carnuba

    EX-P - Poorboy's World EX Pure Sealant

    FC/FCC - Fine Cut Compound

    FCP - 3M Fast Cut Plus

    FF - Final Finish (usually Menzerna PO85RD/RE or 106)

    FG-Z - Field Glaze (Zym0l)

    FG - Finishing Glaze

    FG - Fast Glass (autoglym)

    FI - Meguiar's Final Inspection Quick Detailer

    FK - Finish Kare

    FMJ - Menzerna Full Molecular Jacket Paint Protectant

    FP - Menzerna Final Polish

    G220 - Meguiar's Dual Action polisher

    GEPC - P21S Gloss-enhancing Paintwork Cleanser

    GG - Griot's Garage

    GS - Grout Sponge

    GW/1ZGW - Einszett Glanz Wax

    HC - Hard Candy

    HDW - High Definition Wax (Autoglym)

    HI - Eimann Fabrik High Intensity Cleaner

    HIC - Eimann Fabrik High Intensity Cleaner

    HG - Hand Glaze

    HT - Hi-Temp Products

    HTYW - Hi Tech Yellow Wax (Meguiar's #26)

    IG - Stoner's Invisible Glass

    IHG - 3M Imperial Hand Glaze

    IP - Menzerna Intensive Polish

    ISS - Instant Show Shine (autoglym)

    IPA/ISA/IA - Isopropyl Alcohol

    KSG/SG - Klasse Sealant Glaze

    LC - Lake Country (Pad manufacturer), Leather Conditioner

    LF - Light Fantastic

    LG - Liquid Glass

    LP - Lime Prime

    LPL - Lime Prime Lite

    LSP - Last Stage Product

    LS - Pinnacle Liquid Souverän wax

    LT - Last Touch (Meguiars)

    LV - Lexol Vinylex

    MDC - Meguiar's Deep Crystal range

    Meg's/Megs - Meguiar's products

    Menz - Menzerma (range of polish)

    MF - Microfiber (suffixed typically with cloth/towel/etc)

    MG - Machine Glaze, Meguiar's Mirror Glaze products

    MGC - Meguiar's Gold Class products

    MP/1ZMP - Machine Polish, Einszett Metallic Polish

    MPLC - Meguiar's Medallion Premium Leather Cleaner

    MPPC - Meguiar's Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner

    MPPP - Meguiar's Medallion Premium Paint Protection

    MT - Microfiber Towel

    NLD - Natural Look Dressing (Poorboys)

    NLTG - New Look Trim Gel (Chemical Guys)

    NXT - Meguiar's NXT Generation Tech Wax

    OB - Orbital Buffer

    OC - Orange Crush

    OCW/OCP - Optimum Car Wax/Optimum Car Polish

    OG - One Grand Products

    OID - Optimum Instant Detailer

    ONR - Optimum No Rinse

    OP - Orange Peel

    P21S - Detailing brand (Concours-look Carnauba Wax)

    PA - Piana aktywna

    PB - Poorboys

    PBS - Pinnacle Bodywork Shampoo

    PC - Porter-Cable Orbital Buffer 7424 or 7336

    PCM - Pinnacle Crystal Mist detailing spray

    PCW - P21S Concours-look Carnauba Wax

    PI3/PI-III - 3M Perfect-It III product

    PI II - 3M Perfect-It II product

    PH - Purple Haze

    PP1ZPP - Einszett Paint Polish

    PPCL - Pinnacle Paint Cleaning Lotion

    PPG - Pinnacle Paste Glaze

    PS - Pinnacle Souverän Paste Wax

    PW+ - Eimann Fabrik Power Wash +

    QD - Quick Detailer spray

    QD+ - Poorboy's World Quick Detailer Plus spray

    QS - ClearKote Quik Shine (detail spray)

    QW - Meguiar's Quick Wax

    RO/ROB - Random Orbital Buffer

    RM - Red Mist (Dodo spray sealant)

    RMT - Red Mist Tropical (jak wyżej)

    RMG/RMMG - Clearkote Red Moose Machine Glaze

    RP - Reflection Perfection

    RR - Rainforest Rub

    RV - Fieldcrest Royal Velvet Cotton Towel

    S100 - S100 Products (specifically S100 Carnauba Paste Wax)

    SCW - 3M Perfect It Show Car Wax

    SFP - Meguiar's #82 Body Shop Professional Swirl Free Polish

    SEC/SEPC - S100 Shine-enhancing Cleanser

    SHD - Bilt Hamber Surfex HD

    SIG - Stoners Invisible Glass

    SM2.0 - Meguiar's #9 Swirl Remover 2

    SMR - Swirl Mark Remover (usually refers to 3M Swirl Mark Remover)

    SN - Supernatural (Dodo premium wax)

    SRP - Autoglym Super Resin Polish

    SF - Snow Foam

    SSR1 - Poorboy's World Super Swirl Remover Light Abrasive

    SSR2 - Poorboy's World Super Swirl Remover Medium Abrasive

    SSR2.5 - Poorboy's World Super Swirl Remover Medium/heavy Abrasive

    SSR3 - Poorboy's World Super Swirl Remover Heavy Duty Compound

    SV - Swissvax

    SW - Poorboy's World Spray and Wipe

    TBM - Two Bucket Method

    TF/1ZTF - Einszett Tiefenpfleger

    TFR - Traffic Film Remover

    TW - Turtle Wax products

    UDS - Ultra Deep Shine (autoglym)

    UF - 3M UltraFina

    UP/UPP/1ZUP - Einszett Ultra Paint Polish

    UPC - Platinum Ultimate Paint Pre-Cleaner

    VM/VMG/VMW - ClearKote Vanilla Moose Wax Hand Glaze

    WB - Wheel Brightener

    WD - White diamond - (glaze - poorboys)

    WG - Wolfgang Car Care Products

    WM - Wash Mitt

    WOWA - Wipe On, Walk Away (np. opti-seal etc.)

    Z - Zaino Bros. Products

    Z-1 - Zaino Show Car Polish Lok

    Z-2 - Zaino Show Car Polish for Clear Coated Finishes

    Z-3 - Zaino Show Car Polish for Regular Paint

    Z-5 - Zaino Polish for Swirl Marks and Fine Scratches

    Z-6 - Zaino Ultra Clean Gloss Enhancer Spray

    Z-7 - Zaino Show Car Wash

    Z-8 - Zaino Grand Finale Spray Seal

    Z-9 - Zaino Leather Soft Spray Cleaner

    Z-10 - Zaino Leather in a Bottle

    Z-12 - Zaino Clear-View Glass Polish

    Z-14 - Zaino Plastic Magic Cleaner & Polish

    Z-16 - Zaino Perfect Tire Gloss

    Z-18 - Zaino ClayBar

    ZFX - Zaino Flash Cure Accelerator Additive [For Z2, Z3, & Z5]

    Z-AIO - Zaino All-In-One

    * Łatwy do nanoszenia i polerowania - użycie ręczne lub maszynowe

    * Nadaje się do wszystkich rodzajów lakieru

    * Odświeża zwietrzałe farby i ponownie usuwa utleniania

    * Wygładza małe rysy i oczyszcza pory

    * Pozostawia mocną warstwę ochronną

    * Wspaniała baza pod Z-2 Pro i Z-5 Pro

    * Nie zawiera olejów i wypełniaczy

    Emulsja do czyszczenia zawierająca bardzo lekkie cząstki ścierne, czyści Z-AIO delikatnie farby, chroni je i nadaje im imponujący połysk. Zaawansowana struktura polimeru osiąga na wszystkich rodzajach lakieru doskonałe optycznie uszczelnianie, optymalną przyczepność i jest odporna na detergenty. Skutkiem tego jest trwała, błyszcząca warstwa z syntetycznych polimerów bazująca na syntetycznych uszczelniaczach. Z-AIO jest rozwiązaniem dla pojazdów, które są w codziennym użytku. Resztki insektów, smoła, odchody ptaków, rdza, itp. mogą być łatwo usunięte przy pomocy Z-AIO. Z-AIO może być stosowany samodzielnie lub jako znakomity podkład i warstwa wiążąca dla całej gamy profesjonalnych kosmetyków Zaino Car Polish. Chociaż nie jest to konieczne, możecie Państwo po zastosowaniu Z-AIO udoskonalać lakier z pomocą Z-CS Clear Seal, lub Z-2 PRO lub Z-5 PRO.

    Butelka Z-AIO zawiera 473 ml środka.

    Z-CS - Zaino Clear Seal

    Z-PC - Zaino Fusion Dual Action Paint Cleaner Swirl Remover

MrCleaner.pl - profesjonalne kosmetyki samochodowe · MenSpace.pl - ekskluzywne kosmetyki dla mężczyzn · DetailingStore.pl - sklep auto detailingowy

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